



2024-07-20 07:24:49 来源:网络


to start with造句 -
1、It is often a good idea to start with smaller, easily achievable goals.一个好主意往往是开始时有著较小的而且比较容易达到的的目标。2、Now we must recover the flippancy, solid football to start with children.现在的我们必须收回浮躁的心态,扎扎实实的将足球从娃娃抓起。3、Expect a 到此结束了?。
start with的造句1、Let's start with your academics.2、Let's start with first principles.3、Well start with malted barley.4、Allow yourself to start with chaos.5、But it's enough to start with Scrum.6、Let's start with North Point track.7、All achievements start with ideas,等我继续说。


start with造句带翻译 -
start with造句带翻译:Start with today, let us study English harder.Everyone must to tell a story today, starting with you, Tom.Start with 'A', can you tell me all 26 alphabets, John?Jimmy, start with you, please read the book in front of the class loudly please.很希望会到此结束了?。
1,To begin with passion,then you have to fight,furthermore you should be patient,finally you can get a good result.2,To start with a paper,next you should find a pencil,in addition you have to find an eraser,finally you can do sketch.3,First and foremost they have enough 是什么。
英语造句~~求各位英语达人帮忙造句···急急~~~ -
例如他打扫了房间。9.She wears a red shirt at times.她有时穿一件红衬衫。10.To start with, I need some soup.首先,我想要些汤. 11.Xiaoming is sitting between Zhang Ling and Li Fang.小明坐在张玲和李芳之间. 12.The school is next to the hospital.学校紧挨着医院是什么。.
7.He had nothing to start with 开始时他一无所有。8.This can lead to interesting speculation.收到卡片的人要猜是谁寄的。9.Don't play with fire.不要玩火。10.I recommend you to support them.我建议你支持他们。11.The solution here is to catch yourself when you fall into your 好了吧!
九年级上英语单词造句和翻译 -
to start with<>首先tense<>紧张的;焦虑的home-made<>自制的;DIY schoolbag<>书包purple<>紫色的purse<>钱包;女用小包guilty<>内疚的;有罪的taste<>品味;审美力saying<>格言警句;谚语thought<>思想;考虑count<>有价值;重要Unit 14 bathing<>游泳;洗澡suit<>(一套)衣服bathing suit<>游泳衣说完了。
4. To start with we haven't enough money, and secondly we're too busy.一来我们的钱不够, 二来我们没时间.英英解释:副词secondly:1. in the second place 同义词:second at last:终于,最后例句与用法:1. Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory.终于在一六八七年他到此结束了?。
1) 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next;previously; simultaneously;eventually;last but not least;to begin with;to start with;to end with;finally;seeing是什么。;since then;first of all;afterwards; following this; preceding this.举例:1)simultaneously(同时)..
1、①It is difficult for him to speak English fluently.②It is happy for him to stay with his family.③It is worthy for him to help others.④It is just impossible for she to see that and not weep.⑤It is great fun for Lily to sitting a boat.2、①He is found of 还有呢?